Today my wishlist hit 1,000 books. It’d cost about US $30,000 (roughtly 22,000 EUR) to buy every book in the list. Most likely, I won’t be able to buy all those books unless I win the lottery and a) I have enough money to spend on books, and b) I buy a facility to store them all.

The worst of all (actually “the best” to me) is that there is no single book in that list I don’t want to read even though I already have a stockpile of books I own but have not had time to read on the shelves sitting next to me.

If I’d had to classify them, about 40% of the books are computer-related: systems administration, software development, vintage computers, etc. Another 30% are popular science books, people who know me know I really love popular science and most of the books I read are science books. Management books are my next target, to most people they are boring but that 20% of my wishlist makes an interesting read and what you learn from them, you can apply not only to company management but to everything in your life. A remaining 10% of the books are about miscellaneous topics: music, biographies, emergency medicine, etc

Of course you can buy me some books: you only have to pay for them and Amazon will kindly deliver them to my home :-).