FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors�in the world and happens each February in Brussels (Belgium). One of�the tracks will be the CrossDesktop �DevRoom, which will host�Desktop-related talks.
We are now inviting proposals for talks about Free/Libre/Open-source�Software on the topics of Desktop development, Desktop applications�and interoperativity amongst Desktop Environments. This is a unique�opportunity to show novel ideas and developments to a wide technical�audience.
Topics accepted include, but are not limited to: Enlightenment, Gnome,�KDE, Unity, XFCE, Windows, Mac OS X, general desktop matters,�applications that enhance desktops and web (when related to desktop).
Talks can be very specific, such as developing mobile applications�with Qt Quick; or as general as predictions for the fusion of Desktop�and web in 5 years time. Topics that are of interest to the users and�developers of all desktop environments are especially welcome. The�FOSDEM 2012 schedule might give you some inspiration:
Please include the following information when submitting a proposal:
- Your name
- The title of your talk (please be descriptive, as titles will be�listed with around 250 from other projects)
- Short abstract of one or two paragraphs
- Short bio
- Requested time: from 15 to 45 minutes. Normal duration is 30�minutes. Longer duration requests must be properly justified.
The deadline for submissions is December 14th 2012. FOSDEM will be�held on the weekend of 2-3 February 2013. Please submit your proposals�to��(subscribtion page for the�mailing list:��)
— The CrossDesktop DevRoom 2013 Organization Team
PS: Qt and KDE people are starting to organize for the booth, devroom, Saturday & Sunday night, etc. If you want to help, join kde-promo and add yourself to the wiki.
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