DIY: PC water cooler

Here you have an article explaining how to build your own PC water-cooled freezer. With photos. Funny, at least.

Here you have it: an electronics company has developed drinking glasses which signal when they are almost empty so that table staff know when to bring a refill.

Of course, it has been invented in Japan.

El mayor farsante “creacionista de tierra joven” de la actualidad, Ken Ham, del ministerio “Answers in Genesis” internacional, estará visitando España este mes, en su campaña de ignorancia y oscurantismo anticientífico.

Aquí teneis el itinerario de este fanático lavacerebros. Esto es lo que nos toca en València:

Domingo Marzo 17, 2002 – Valencia
Lugar: Encuentro Cristiano
c/ Guardia Civil, 23
Dos charlas: 6:30pm-7:30pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm

Ojalá sea posible que una nutrida concurrencia escéptica española, bien preparada en el escepticismo y en el “debate” evolución-creacionismo, puedan asistir para dejar expuesto a Ken Ham como el farsante que es ante el público español.

So you belived Microsoft and you thought XP is the most stable version of Windows out there? In fact it’s not. Zappadodle‘s people say this will break it:

main (){
  for (;;)
    printf ("Hung uptbbbbbb") ;

Well, I’ve not tried it, but I think it should not crash (at least, not with every compiler: it should depend on what microinstructions the compiler generates). If anyone could comment on this, please do so.

The Los Alamos National Laboratory has a paper explainin how to measure light speed using the ping command included with most operating systems. It’s very interesting.

An additional explaining: light speed is constant (c=3e8, aprox.), but propagation speed is not constant. It depends on the medium (being exact, it depends on the propagation constant, ß, of the medium) and can be calculated using one of the following equations:

vp=1/sqrt(μ*ε), where μ and ε are constant parameters that depend on the medium.


vp=2*pi*f/ß, where ß is the propagation constant of the medium.

For optical mediums a simpler expression is given using material’s effective refraction index (ñ), but I cannot remember the expression now O:-)