Today they arrived, after two weeks crossing the ocean: Code Complete, 2nd Edition and Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmers Guide 2nd Edition.

I have really big expectations from Code Complete, everybody keeps saying it’s a wonderful book and McConnell is a genius of software development management. Hope to learn at least 10% what he knows 🙂

I also have big expectations from Ruby, but not because of the language per se but because of Ruby on Rails. If everything goes fine, in a few weeks I will be leading a very big project where I will need to develop a web application really fast, and RoR seems to be the right choice here. I tried Subway (it uses Python, a language I am more familiar with), but it just does not compare to RoR, maybe in a few years.

These books didn’t came alone, they were in good company: What do you care what other people think? by Richard P. Feynman, Perfectly Reasonable Deviations From The Beaten Track: The Letters Of Richard P. Feynman and The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (yes, I know it’s in Spanish, but it’s soooo expensive in Spanish!)

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