Are you a developer and use ACE, TAO, CIAO? Do you use and/or deploy to Debian, Ubuntu or any other Debian-based distribution?
If you answered affirmatively to those two questions, you have probably noticed Debian still ships ACE 5.6.3, which is 18 months old. The reason is twofold:
- ACE is a complex beast. The source tarball generates 59 binary packages for 5.6.3, and that’s only to increase in the latest version (5.7.4).
- The only Debian developer working on ACE, Thomas Girard, is too busy at the moment. He did a great job maintaing ACE for years but now it’s time for others to help him.
Therefore, if you use ACE and Debian directly or indirectly, please step in and help me get the latest ACE in Debian. I’m half done but I’m having trouble with autotools (the autotools build system in ACE seems to need some love, I’m probably moving to the traditional build system) and I do not know where to put some of the new libraries (DAnCE, etc).
NB: The comments in this blog do not work due to a hosting issue, please contact me directly by e-mail: or subscribe to the pkg-ace-devel mailing list.